My friend Nathan wished to fined a new location to go on a trek this weekend.His wife Andrea is pregnant and the due date is December 5.This is the last chance he will have before the baby comes.
We explored Hemlock Cliffs.Hemlock Cliffs is a beutifull location with plenty of game,wood and water but your not allowed to stay in the rock houses by law.Nathan and I had a very challenging hunt on a Squirell,little fella led a merry chase for several hundred yards.The squirell finally messed up and nathan popped him.I dont think we will be doing overnights at Hemlock Cliffs.To many hikers and we would have to pack a shelter.
We drove to German Ridge.Nathan wanted to show me a cluster of rock houses there.The rockhouses were neat but the water source there is way down hill and everything was to close to civilization and had a lot of traffic from horse riders.I dont like the area.It does have a lot of squirells nests.
Nathan then drove us back to Oriole Lake and I showed him what the USFS was doing at the trail head off of orchard road.He was as pissed off as I am.It looks like they are putting in a huge road to get access in for the timber.I took Nathan to the other trail area and we walked down into Stinking Fork creek.Its a good hike in and the area is beutiful.It lacks small game but has a potential for fish and trapping.It is a hike to get there but I like it.I will have to build a shelter since I cant locate any rockhouse there that are usable.I need to explore the area deeper.
Nathan still might go to Cains Keep this weekend even with the neon pink paint on the trees.I dont think I will go back there.It just saddens me to see it as it is now and remember how it was before.